Sunday, 13 March 2011

Hoopla !

We are establishing the nursery bed where leeks and brassicas are being grown.
We have sown Bleau de Solaise and Autumn Giant Leeks,  two varieties of Purple Sprouting Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts Trafalgar F1, Kale Tosco di Nero, Red Cabbage Rodima, Savoy Cabbage Tarvoy and Capriccio, Cauliflower Candid Charm and Calabrese Belstar F1.
An 'enviromesh' cover will be placed over the hoops to prevent attack by birds and insects. In June, we will remove the plants from the nursery bed.  The brassicas will be replanted in another area.  The leeks will be replanted back under the cover where they should develop free from attack by Onion Fly and be ready for the table from November onwards.


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