We have now finished picking our currants and will soon be taking down the nets to allow the birds in to clean up any nasty bugs that may be remaining. We have had an excellent crop which has been used to produce Summer puddings, coulis and an amazing Cassis made by macerating blackcurrants in brandy.
These are the varieties we have grown :
Blackcurrant 'Ben Connan' (Ben Sarek crossed with Ben Lomond)
This variety carries high yields of exceptionally large fruits on a compact bush. Resistant to mildew and leaf curling midge. A good garden choice. Picking time mid July.
Whitecurrant 'White Versailles'
The first white currant in both popularity and picking time. The trusses are long and heavy, the fruits are pale yellow and pleasantly sweet. Very reliable giving good crops year after year. Picking time early July.
Redcurrant 'Laxton's No 1'
Later flowering than Jonkheer Van Tets. Strong growing with a good flavour and heavy yield. Picking time mid July.
Blueberry 'Northland'
An excellent variety for cold climates, it is one of the heaviest producing berries and easy to grow, producing great berries for jams and baking because of their high sugar content.

We also have a redcurrant bush that was originally growing in our garden and then transferred to the allotment. However, this has not performed very well and we will uproot this and replace it with another blueberry.
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