The remaining peas were picked, the plants cut down, cut up and put on the compost heap. The bed was weeded and given a good helping of poultry manure before we sow more brassicas (Spring cabbage, choi sum and purple sprouting broccoli) in August.
The beetroot was lifted, the row weeded and given a dressing of Growmore before Heather sowed a row of carrots (Autumn King).
We had previously sown another row of beetroot and these are just starting to show.
The netting was removed from our strawberries, because a) they had stopped fruiting and b) the net was needed for the raspberries. The strawberries have been very disappointing this season with lots of foliage but very little fruit. I am planning to replace 12 of them with new plants of known quality early in the new year.
The beetroot was lifted, the row weeded and given a dressing of Growmore before Heather sowed a row of carrots (Autumn King).
The netting was removed from our strawberries, because a) they had stopped fruiting and b) the net was needed for the raspberries. The strawberries have been very disappointing this season with lots of foliage but very little fruit. I am planning to replace 12 of them with new plants of known quality early in the new year.
Some of the potato hulms were showing signs of wilt and browning, so I lifted the tubers to check on the possible problems. The International Kidney have failed to flower, but there was a nice crop of tubers under the two plants I lifted. The Anya flowered profusely but did not produce much top foliage... once again there was no problems with tubers that I lifted. I then lifted one of the Desiree plants that was looking particularly poorly and found that two of the tubers had rot. This could be the start of blight, so I will have to keep a close eye on the situation and lift them early if the problem continues.
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