Thursday, 26 February 2009

We have had a couple of days down at the patch this week breaking up the soil to create new beds for Spring and Summer plantings.

Beyond the trenches that were dug for Potatoes, a series of mounds have been created where Corn, Beans and Squash (Three Sisters) will be grown.

The pictures shows the next bed being dug over. This is where we will grow Onion and Leeks. We are conducting a trial : Seeds from two types of Leeks have been sown under glass and the same two types will be sown in a nursery bed in March. We will transplant them when they reach the thickness of a pencil and decide which method has been most effective.

Up from the Onion beds we have marked out where we will be planting our brassicas and this will be dug over during the next week or two.

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