Friday, 13 January 2012

Up The Pole !

When we first started at Compton Allotments, we were allocated a 15′ wide plot with a fence running down one side to separate our crops from the pigs in the neighbouring field.  In the following year the pigs were moved and the land used to create more individual allotment plots and our plot expanded from 15′ to 22′.

Our raspberry canes grow on wires strung between posts that we erected when it was a 15′ wide plot leaving a spare bit of land where we grew odd things that took our fancy.

This year we are growing hybrid berries (Tayberry, Loganberry  and Bosyenberry) and I have bought the materials to construct another wire frame which would stretch right across the 22′ wide plot.

Now being a man who likes order in all things (yes, I know there is another name for this !) it would be unthinkable to have one frame for the hybrid berries which was wider than the adjoining frame for the raspberries.

So, as you can see from the picture I have extended the raspberry bed by installing another pole and stretching wires across from the old pole. Once this was done, I removed the obsolete pole and this will be used when I constuct the frame for the hybrid berries.