It was a beautiful day down at the patch. We arrived around 09:30 and worked through to 16:40... so we put in a full day-shift !
To start off, I made a bonfire of all the old wood stakes and, once it was red hot, added the cut down cosmos, the roots from the raspberries we cleared and all the dried weeds as we could gather.
I transferred barrow-loads of horse manure to the plot where we will be growing brassicas next year and spread a thick layer across it. We will cover this with cardboard to keep the weeds down and encourage the worms to take it down into the soil below.
Heather had finished painting the outside of the cold frame and I then added some brackets which will keep the lids tied-down.
The last job of the day was to fit the gravel boards along one side of the central path, and this was accomplished successfully. I will fit the boards on the opposite side over the weekend.
We were accompanied most of the afternoon by the young vixen. Apparently the fox sleeps with the pigs in their wooden huts, none of them bothered by the others presence. She even made a few attempts to get into our shed until I shooed her away, but she simply trotted off a few paces and stared back at me in defiance! During the rest of the afternoon she was watching us while we were working, often just a few feet away.