Sunday, 17 October 2010

Getting ready for Spring

It was a beautiful sunny Sunday morning down at The Patch.

Mr.Fox has been investigating the garlic I planted last week and has pulled some of the bulbs up.  I planted another half-dozen bulbs between the rows to replace any that fail to germinate.  I also planted two rows of shallots Eschalot Grise from my stock of small bulbs harvested earlier in the year.

Heather planted a row of narcissi Saint Keverne for cutting in the Spring.

Tuesday, 12 October 2010

Hello foxy !

It was a beautiful sunny day yesterday and we spent most of it down at the patch. Heather cleared away all of the remaining tomato plants, tidied-up the brassica beds and picked a nice trug full of vegetables.

I prepared the beds for garlic and onions and planted 4 rows each of Garlic Solent Wight, Onion Radar and Onion Electric. I also sowed a row of Peas Meteor with a cloche then placed over to protect from marauding pests.

As we were clearing up to go home, a young fox came strolling through the allotment as bold as brass !