Monday, 27 September 2010

Companion Planting

I am currently planning our plantings for 2011 and considering whether to plant courgettes on a bed covered with black plastic sheeting.
I was also thinking about putting some companion plants alongside, and have found this rather helpful chart produced by the Countesthorpe Gardens & Allotments Society... see here.

Update October 18th.  A more extensive list can be seen here.

Tuesday, 21 September 2010

Patty Pan

We were given some rather large patty pan squashes by Philip and Simon.
Heather cut off the top, removed some of the flesh, mixed it with couscous, tomatoes, cashews, spices and baked it in the oven.

Delicious !

Sunday, 19 September 2010

One potato, two potato

We have harvested the spuds !

After a dry early-Summer, I was not expecting too much from our potatoes... especially after lifting such poor earlies. However, I was pleasantly surprised with this lot.

The variety is Golden Wonder (yes, the ones used to make the crisps !) and although the tubers are a bit misshapen, there doesn't seem to be any rot and very little scab.

Thursday, 16 September 2010

Guildford in Bloom 2010

Awarded Silver-Gilt for second successive year.

Tuesday, 7 September 2010


We have just received our onion sets from Tuckers (100 x Radar and 100 x Electric) for planting in October.

The variety Radar produces nice, brown-skinned onions for harvesting from May next year and the variety Electric produces attractive red-fleshed bulbs.

Sunday, 5 September 2010

Uchiki Kuri

Hoochie Coochie !
The sweetcorn in our 'Three Sisters' bed doesn't seem to be performing that well, however the beans and squash are thriving.
The first squash to be harvested is the early variety Uchiki Kuri, an onion squash that originates from Japan (see below).
I somehow expected the fruit to be on the small side, but ours are weighing in at around 4lb.