Thursday, 24 June 2010

Where are our peas going ?

We are now getting a good harvest from the peas and broad beans we sowed last Autumn... and no sign of Pea Moth yet !

A lot of our Summer sown pea and broad bean and french bean seeds have been dug up from their beds by unknown critters and we have had to re-sow and protect the beds to prevent any further theft from these pesky varmints.

As a general precaution for our Autumn sown peas and beans, we will sow double quantities of seeds and ensure that they fully protected over the Winter months.

Monday, 21 June 2010

Long Days, Short Nights

We have been working hard down on the patch these last few weeks as the lack of rain means we have to water our crops by hand.

We are harvesting the early Broad Beans, Peas, Autumn planted Onions (Senshyu Yellow & Radar) and Beetroot. There are also plenty of Strawberries for us to pick.

We are eating much of this immediately, but Heather has been freezing the Peas & Beans and pickling the Beetroot.

Autumn planted Onions are not good keepers, so we are using the Radar for general cooking and I have used the Senshyu Yellow to make 7 jars of Golden Sweet Pickled Onion Rings.

The brassicas (Red & Savoy Cabbage, Calabrese, Kale, Brussels Sprouts, Cauliflower and Purple Sprouting Broccoli) have all been transplanted and are caged to protect them from both Pigeons and Butterflies.

The leeks have also been transplanted into the prepared bed to provide one row of Bleau de Solaise and one row of Oarsman.