Sunday, 18 April 2010


We are going to try some different root crops this year : Some to eat as Summer vegetables and some that will be able to stand in the ground over the Winter months.

For the Winter it will be Swede Brora and Scorzonera Maxima.

Scorzonera is an interesting vegetable that is a member of the Daisy family. It is easy to grow, untroubled by pests and will stand in the ground over the Winter to be pulled for the table as and when required.

Sunday, 11 April 2010


Heather sowed our brassica seeds in the nursery bed this morning.

We are growing : Brussels Spouts Trafalgar F1, Red Cabbage Kalibos, Kale Tosco di Nero, Savoy Cabbage Tarvoy and Cauliflower Candid Charm.

Friday, 9 April 2010

Going tits up !

A beautiful afternoon down at the patch.

Heather tidied-up the garlic and onions and I dug the trench that will be filled with manure and compost .This will be where we plant our leeks in June.

Best of all, was the sight of a Blue Tit closely examining the bird box we have put up. It then flew off with its mate... so we wait to see if they will return to nest.

Thursday, 1 April 2010


Good Friday is the traditional day for planting potatoes, but we took advantage of the good weather to get down to the patch today and plant them one day earlier.

We planted 4 x 15' rows of Golden Wonder and 2 x 20' rows of Cara.

Two additional rows of onion sets Red Baron were also planted.